JDA Massage Therapy
Home of Oswego Body Therapy and Joy Massage & Wellness

Services and Rates

We've recently updated our service menu and prices to best suit the needs of our clients. 


Introducing: Cupping Therapy!

Cupping Therapy is an ancient massage therapy used across cultures to ease pain, increase range of motion, reduce inflammation and improve muscle function. We combine cupping with neuromuscular massage techniques that are clinically proven to provide pain relief for the most thorough therapeutic outcome. In this treatment, specialty silicone suction cups glide across the body before being placed in particular locations to target trigger points and areas holding tension. We then incorporate various stretching techniques to further amplify the benefits of the cupping therapy. This session provides relief similar to a deep tissue massage with less poking and prodding by thumbs and elbows.


Try our new Reiki Massage!

In this treatment, your therapist will combine relaxing massage with energy healing Reiki techniques to provide clients with the best of both worlds.

This session is designed to help reduce stress, reduce muscle tension, increase sleep quality, improve circulation, and reduce fatigue. This session is tailored for the client's needs and can be an especially great option for those looking for a gentler massage experience



* Now bundling Yoga + Massage in one single session! *

Yoga can be considered a kind of active self-massage - in your yoga practice, your slow breaths encourage muscles to lengthen and relax while allowing your mind the space to relax and connect within. During massage a similar process takes place, except your therapist does the work of muscle lengthening while you relax. When combining the two, yoga will target tight & painful muscles and massage will encourage your freshly stretched muscles to stay at their increased length—extending and compounding the yogic benefits. You will also learn to actively engage the breath to decrease stress, allowing you to have a more peaceful head space both on the mat and on the table that will extend beyond the session. A dual session can increase flexibility, decrease muscle tightness, increase circulation and relieve stress.





**Beginning June 22, 2020, a 3% processing fee will be added to all credit card transactions**

Chair Massage$40 / 30 minutes
Chair Massage$80 / 60 minutes
Cupping Therapy$135 / 90 minutes
Cupping Therapy$105 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$105 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$135 / 90 minutes
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$95 / 60 minutes
Private Yoga Session$75 / 60 minutes
Private Yoga Session$50 / 30 minutes
Reiki$75 / 60 minutes
Reiki$50 / 30 minutes
Reiki Massage$95 / 60 minutes
Reiki Massage$110 / 75 minutes
Reiki Massage$125 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$95 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$125 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$110 / 75 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$55 / 30 minutes
Yoga + Massage Bundle$125 / 90 minutes
Yoga + Massage Bundle$145 / 120 minutes
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